Sunday, January 31, 2016

Having Fun

This poor, neglected blog has been nagging me for attention. Can a blog have feelings? Well, probably not. But I feel bad for not adding content to it :-)

For the past few months I've been editing new work and making prints. This new stuff is scattered and a bit unorganized at the moment, and I'm trying to tidy things up and put new content here on my website.

THIS is camping :-)

Two trips to Big Bend in about two weeks time have provided some extraordinary opportunities and events. It was definitely great to take my mind off the stress of the current state of the oil and gas industry (low prices at the pump means little or no work).

In the middle of working new images and all the required editing and processing, I've learned some new stuff! Good stuff. Stuff worth sharing. I have a lot of good things to say about Canon's DPP 4.x. It's changing the way I process my images. But more later...

Old image; new processing techniques

The best thing to happen lately is some nice, quality time in the far west parts of Texas in the desert. Snow, canyons, amazing sunsets. And getting to spend some of it with my family.

Good times in the desert

I've finally remembered how to have fun with photography, which is the reason I became interested in it so many years ago. How do you have fun again? It's a complicated answer. I'll work on writing about it...

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