Thursday, May 20, 2010

AR 8 - Dandelions and Snakes

I don't know where my head was yesterday. My thoughts were scrambled with personal issues, work issues, and the recent oppressive heat and humidity that will be with us until October. Summer weather has begun.

When I saw this bench sitting in a patch of sunlight and surrounded by dandelions, it brought me into reality and made me stop.

click for larger image

I experienced a photography block of sorts. I just couldn't seem to get my thoughts into it. The bench scene helped albeit briefly and temporarily.

I frequently experience that situation and it's a great source of frustration. One of the main reasons I started this photography project is to help myself learn ways to deal with it and get my head into an uninterrupted and meaningful photographic process.

One of the methods (a hypothesis in testing, if you will; and it applies to me and my own personality) is to repeatedly practice photography. And I have been.

I guess that I will have "off" days despite it all, and yesterday was certainly an "off" day.


We resume the regular format with some snake photos. The first is a beautiful ribbon snake (a member of the garter snake genus). I frequently see these guys on the trail, but they are incredibly shy and dart away quickly.

click for larger image

And of course the usual cottonmouth (water moccasin) sighting:

click for larger image

1 comment:

  1. The bench shot is nice. One of the things I like about B/W is that light and shadow can completely transform an otherwise boring subject into a compelling photograph, and I think that's the case here. The contrast of sunlit shrubs over a shadowy background makes for nice contrast, and being in B/W gives this image a nostalgic feeling.
