Thursday, November 18, 2010

AR 33 - Trees in Motion

This is from a while back, about two weeks ago. I'm behind on my work.

click for larger image

It may seem easy to make these photos. At least that's how they look in finished form.

click for larger image

What's really hard is judging them in the field as they're shot. I've learned that the LCD review doesn't often show the subtleties that can distinguish between a good photo or a throw-away.

click for larger image


So that's it for a while, perhaps. I have a major problem now with the time change and my normal walking route. The days are getting shorter and it's significantly darker when I walk now.

The crossing at Highway 6 and Patterson Road no longer has a time delay for pedestrians. When the light turns green for Patterson traffic, so does the crosswalk. Nearly 100% of drivers starting up do not realize when there are pedestrians present and that those pedestrians have the right away.

This makes for an incredibly dangerous situation further worsened by lack of light. By the time I'm back from my 4 miles and ready to cross the 6 lanes of Highway 6, it's dim enough to need a flashlight.

Anyway, I'll have to find an alternative. I still need to exercise!

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