Wednesday, November 3, 2010

AR 32 - Fall Has Arrived

Fall, or what passes for fall down here in Texas, is in full swing. Today is cold and rainy, and I probably won't get out for a walk. I don't mind the cold, but the damp isn't good for electronics.

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I thought my fascination with motion blurs wouldn't last very long, but it seems to have taken hold of my interests. The more I do it, the more I get a feel for what works and what doesn't.

What I like about it is that it abstracts colors and shapes into information that is easier to digest. Literal shots are hard to make sometimes because you have to deal with all the information in the photo (the messy looking pile of leaves and branches in the near background that's in focus with the foreground subject, for example). Blurred abstracts can smear away other detail not critical to the main subject if you do it right.

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Not all scenes lend themselves to blurring, and there are many factors to play with such as shutter speed, camera movement, focal length, and distance to the subject. I've mostly played around with simple panning along defined lines in the scene (e.g. tree branches or trunks).

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We'll see where this goes. The days are getting shorter and daylight savings is about to end. My normal walks will be in near darkness soon.

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