Tuesday, September 28, 2010

AR 26 - Fall Shows Up; Snake in Grass

Fall weather is showing up here slowly, although it's our version of fall: a cycle of a few days with slightly cooler temps (and we all take to sitting outside in the evenings and repeatedly say "nice!, nice!") followed by a few days of back-to-summer heat and humidity.

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This walk is actually from late last week, a full four weeks since walk #25. I'm always disappointed when I have gaps in time like that, and I always have several excuses (but honestly there's a bit of laziness mixed in there too).

I should be walking a bunch this week since we're in a period of dry, cool weather. But I'm busy with chores at home and two big photo-related projects that have been taking a lot of my time lately. I'm done with one now (updating my website) and just about done with the other. More about that later :-)

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I walked right up to this cottonmouth sitting in the grass alongside the trail. It perked its head up and looked at me as I approached absent minded and unaware. I jumped back and raised my camera all in one motion.

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It quickly decided to leave, so the shot is of the snake headed away from me, and that was a good thing.

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