Monday, June 21, 2010

Pedernales Falls State Park, TX

My family and I camped in Pedernales Falls State Park (in the Texas hill country) in April of this year.

click for larger

We planned to stay two nights at first, but extended our stay an additional night after having way too much fun. We had a really good time and all needed a break.

click for larger

The Pedernales River was high and flowing strongly, and it was a little bit scary swimming in it (way downstream of the main falls, where swimming is not allowed) with the boys. We hiked into the primitive backcountry and found an amazing spot along Bee Creek. The water was flowing well there too, but it was safe to play in.

Both photos above were taken in Bee Creek in an almost-slot mini-canyon.


  1. I really like how the water creates a path through the foreground due to the slowish exposure. If you had frozen the motion of the water I don't think the image would have worked. I also think B/W was the right choice for the subject matter. While the second shot isn't bad, it suffers in comparison to the first for me.

  2. Thanks, Jeff. I agree. I worked on the 2nd in hopes it would match my vision, but it didn't quite do it for me. I do have a B&W from that same scene, however. I'll have to post that one later.

  3. We love that park, its awesome in the summer. Nice photos.
