Monday, May 17, 2010

AR 5 - The Sinuous Trail

I enjoy looking into the woods alongside the trail, but the views down the trail are sometimes just as good. This curvy spot along the trail goes through some fairly thick brush and grabbed my attention. The intense thickness and tangle of foliage is boldly carved by the opening made for the trail. Freely walking through this green tunnel satisfies a deep desire to be outdoors and connect with nature.

click for larger image

Continuing from the last post:

Over time, I've figured out how to tune into my emotions and thoughts regarding attraction. It can be a physical response (e.g. a "chill down the spine" or "raised neck hairs") and/or it can be emotional (like a nostalgic zing that takes me back decades to a happy moment, or the sight of something that slams into my head and floods my thoughts with awe).

I think I've always had those sort of responses to things that I've observed while out photographing. The difference now has been how conscious I am of those responses and how well I tune into them. It started out, years ago, with responses like "oh, that's cool!" and developed into deeper and more thoughtful responses, like "oh, that's cool! I like the feeling of being immersed in a green sea of foliage".

That next thought, the one that goes deeper, is much more meaningful. Tuning into that has allowed me to bring it to conscious thought and then act upon it, i.e. use that as a basis for the photograph. The resulting photo is about that particular thought and therefore becomes more meaningful to me.

Whether or not that thought is communicated to a viewer other than myself depends on how well I pulled off the photo :-) and that is a whole other discussion.


Today's snake was very cool and calm and allowed me to get pretty close.

click for larger image

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