Monday, May 18, 2009

Badlands Gallery Finished

I have finished processing and uploading photos from my trip to Big Bend National Park in March:

click to enter gallery

Call me nuts, but I enjoy the long process of editing and preparing my raw images for use. As I sit for long hours in front of the computer, I relive the experiences. Memories pour into my mind of what it was like out there.

click to enter gallery

One "con" often spoken of digital photography is the post-shoot, sit-on-your-butt processing and editing time required. Most people want to shoot and not stare at a computer screen. While I agree that shooting is more fun, I do enojy the computer work. It's like visiting a friend and talking about old times. It also allows me to study, carefully and in-depth, my work and learn from my mistakes.

But I digress. I'm happy to present my work from the badlands mini-project :-)


  1. Absolutely beautiful work, I love them all and a special atta boy for "Nugent Mountain". Your images and post processing has gone to a new level. If your ears were burning its because we (Wes, Michael C and me) were wishing you were at the Lensbaby workshop in Savannah with us. We heard you're on the Big Bend WS, tried to get in but its full, those guys are going to be lucky to have you...

  2. Thanks, Mike! I appreciate your commments. Sure wish I could have been there with you guys. That sounded like fun :-)

  3. TJ, Check out "Big Bend National Park" in Shutterbug June 2009. They should of used your images, they are much better...

  4. Thanks! I've not looked at a Shutterbug in years. I'll have to check it out.

  5. Fine work, TJ. Your trip brings back the joy I've had photoing southwestern "badlands." Your sitting on the images and working them slowly makes sense, reliving the experiences. What's the hurry? We're not doing this for a job.
