Sunday, November 11, 2007

Workin' in the Swamps

In the past two weeks, I've made 3 trips to the fab yard in Louisiana. It's been exhausting. To date (for this year), I've spent 80 days away from home in 14 separate trips to Louisiana (4 of those were offshore).

I'm tired of traveling, living out of a bag, traffic on I-10, black feet from dirty hotel carpet, and particularly sick-n-freakin' tired of high-calorie artery-clogging deep-fried-and-served-with-butter food. Holy crap. I gave up on ordering salads because they just don't understand the concept. No! Please leave the fried shrimp, pound of shredded cheese, and double shot of ranch dressing out of my rabbit food.

But despite the long days, growing waistline, and leaving my family by themselves far away, I do get to catch awesome sights. Above is a newly built jumper (a piece of pipe that will connect two pipelines subsea) being tested and loaded out on a transport barge. It is 16-inch diameter pipe, 80 feet long, 50 tons, and will be installed in 5000 feet of water.

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