Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Field Lab

Last Friday some friends and I paid a visit to the Southwest Texas Alternative Energy And Sustainable Living Field Laboratory, otherwise known as The Field Lab. It is owned by John Wells, and he maintains a daily blog here:

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We caught up with John at the Grub Shack on Terlingua Ranch Road and visited over lunch. He then led us out to his place and gave us the grand tour.

You can read all about his work on his website and blog. Basically, he's living off the grid and working towards a 100% self-sustainable life on his property located on Terlingua Ranch.

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His massive greenhouse project was most impressive. He has many other projects going, including a self-powered washing machine dubbed the Bike-O-Worsher. We also got to meet Benita, a longhorn cow that is a Field Lab regular and a companion, pet, and guard to John. Who needs a dog with teeth when you have a 1000 lb.-plus animal with horns like that? :-)

Many thanks to John for his hospitality and giving us the tour!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

AR 30 - A Blur of Interest

Here we go again with more motion blurring :-)

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It's fun, yet difficult. It takes a lot of trial and error and I'm just barely beginning to get a feel for it.

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I enjoy the effect because it abstracts the scene into basic forms that, hopefully, are still recognizable. But it still captures the same colors and forms that I'm noticing with my eyes when I see the scene.

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Of course the literal shot is still interesting, such as this yellow flowering weed and bee. There were many bees working around this plant.

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Finally, another snake sighting. I was moving towards a palm tree to try a motion blur when I instinctively checked the ground first. Sure enough, there lay a cottonmouth.

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It's funny, and a little scary, how many times I've ventured off-path only to discover a snake in waiting. At least I've learned to check first.

AR 29 - Motion

This post picks back up on regular timing. This walk was just two days ago.

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I've had a recent and sudden inspiration, many thanks to Marti Jeffers. Basically, this is a new approach of seeing the world in shapes, lines, and colors through the technique of motion blur.

The above shot was taken while I was walking. I also panned the camera upwards a bit during the exposure.

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This photo above was taken during high winds. I held the camera nearly still for the exposure.

AR 28 - Trees and Post

This entry is for a walk I did almost a month ago. I'm way behind on things after all the activities and trips that have happened in October.

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The fungus covered tree is an interesting one that I see every time that I walk. I'm becoming familiar now with almost every tree and bush along the path.

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The path is marked with posts every quarter mile. Above the engraved numbers are little red hearts. This post is weathered pretty well.

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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Back from Big Bend

My life is returning to normal after a period of traveling. Most of October was spent traveling for work and also work (photography work :-) ).

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I spent 10 days away from home to be involved in a photography workshop in Big Bend. I assisted Craig Tanner and Marti Jeffers in a TME (The Mindful Eye) workshop.

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More images will come although slowly. I have a lot of work ahead to catch up on things!