Monday, October 20, 2008

My Photo in Nov. Issue of Texas Highways

Texas Highways magazine has published a photo of mine in their November issue! Check out the Window on Texas section on the inside of the back cover.

I took this photo while hunting a while back, and it is part of my High Lonesome photo project. I definitely remember shooting this photo after being entranced by the amazing colors and iridescence of turkey feathers in the sunlight.

Many thanks to Texas Highways for choosing my photo!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Michael Allen is Here!

I'm proud to announce the birth of our second son, Michael. I have a photo gallery online here.

Michael was born this morning, and both he and Tanya did very well. Henry is excited about his new baby brother and keeps talking about him. Stay tuned, more pics to come very soon!

added 20-Oct-2008:
Be sure to check this page for updated photos: